note: Thanks so much to my cousin. Jennie designed our beautiful program…
“Love is a Journey”
The Marriage Celebration of
Kristina Balois Vera
Mark Andrew Phillips
Saturday, August 27, 2005
St.Denis Catholic Church
Diamond Bar, California
Entrance Rite
Music: Prelude “In Love We Chose to Live” – Jeanne Cotter
Music: “Clair De Lune” – Claude Debussy
Teresa Dunne, mother of the groom, escorted by Mark Phillips
Tom Jackiewicz and Jennifer Marzan
Tom Dunne III and Maria Smith
Hans Protzel and Betina Protzel, Matron of Honor
Kaine Marin (best man) and Susan Surapruik, Maid of Honor
Devon Dunne – Flower Girl
Nora Marzan and Porferio Marzan
Marichu Maddy, escorted by Scott Becker
Evelyn Balois, escorted by Charlie Basabica
Jovita Vera, mother of the bride, escorted by Michael Phillips, father of the groom
Music: The Bridal Chorus – Richard Wagner
Kristina Vera, escorted by Ramon Vera, father of the bride
